F Medlux® Accessories | Everbrite Lighting

Medlux® Accessories

We have a wide range of accessories to support the MedLux® line of LED products. Should you have any questions regarding the proper application, please don't hesitate to contact us.

MRI Filters

Facility and Signal Filters

Filters are used for providing a clean signal and/or voltage to an MRI suite and are designed specifically to meet the MRI manufacturers performance requirements. External emissions, if not filtered properly, will produce artifacts in MRI scans. Please see our recommended filters listed in the documents below.

MedLux XLIM Dimming Interface Module

The MedLux® XLIM Interface Module provides conversion from third party controllers that supply either a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) or 0-10VDC dimming level signal. Output signals are low voltage, class 2 rated waveform that comply with the proprietary dimming system used by all MedLux® MRI compatible lighting products.